This article lists some of the common questions asked when running the deposit verification module. If you still have questions, reach out to
Does my client have to connect their accounting system to run the test?
No. This test can be run on any client regardless of their accounting system. The only requirement is that the bank is one of the 11,000 financial institutions supported.
For your clients that are not connecting their accounting system, they would need to click the skip button as shown below to bypass the accounting page and go to the banking page.
Why does my status say “Syncing”?
When using our direct bank connection to verify a balance, some banks will report pending transactions in the response if the test is run in the first few business days from the verification date. We have built internal checks on our end to identify if an account is likely to have pending transactions. If you are running the module and receive a “Syncing” status for an account, Audit Sight is waiting to receive confirmation that the pending transactions have cleared.
Why is one of the accounts not included in the work paper?
Only accounts that have been selected and verified (i.e. are no longer syncing) are included in the work paper.
What if I need to verify the bank balances as of another date?
Simply create a new engagement with the new date needed.